Marketing Strategies adopted by Website Development Company in USA

Web development usually enlists the tasks that are associated with developing websites through the Internet. The process of web development includes web design, web content development and network security configuration. Fundamental components that every website development company in USA uses to configure their website for better interaction between site and user include:

Client:Your desktop system or any other device including phone, tablet which the user uses for interaction in order to get access to the website.

Server:The remote computer that stores all the coded files which build the website.

Database:Database is sub component of remote server which includes series of data tables that stores all the dynamic information produced within website.

Hierarchy of web development is as follows:

  • Client-side coding
  • Server-side coding
  • Database technology

Web development companies design and code apps for online purposes. These companies meet with clients and work on general specifications of the project. They create functional specification in initial meeting on which both client and developers agree on for project. Then the design and development team of companies team up on wire frame or any prototype. The client then sees and gives his suggestions on prototype. The design team of the company then starts working on layout of the project and builds the backend structure. After approval from the client the design team gets the design done and finishes the functional coding of website.

Key Phases of Website Development

The website of a company basically includes the infrastructure, business objectives and designed in a way to attract new clients. Each development step normally depends on the size and function of the website. Key development phases of website include:

Phase#1 Information Gathering

First phase of website development is information gathering or analysis phase. Client talks about

  • Competitors website content
  • Blogging frequency
  • Color scheme of page
  • Content needed for website

Phase#2 Planning

After getting the necessary information required the web development company work on strategies for creating the website. The company usually

  • Conduct competitive research
  • Define use personas
  • Usage scenarios
  • Usage goals
  • Task analysis

Phase#3 Design

In design phase companies work on overall user experience by working on overall

  • Aesthetics (image, color, fonts)
  • Information architecture ad user interface
  • Navigational models
  • Creation of wire frames

Phase#4 Web Development

Once design phase is complete then comes the task of coding and making the website live by

  • Usability testing
  • Quality testing
  • White hat SEO architecture

Phase#5 Launch

Launching the website or making it live is not easy. Developer has to test it again and again and again. This phase includes:

  • Final spell checking
  • Code validation
  • Cross browser checking
  • Google analytics code

Phase#6 Marketing

This phase includes steps to make your website known to people by

  • Link building
  • Search Engine optimization
  • Social media marketing
  • Newsletter subscription

Marketing Strategies used by Web Development Companies

Companies who want to cultivate their businesses work on ways to market and promote their business through their websites and manage to grab attention of new customers and loyal clients. A website is basically a showpiece for any web development company which is enhanced by integrating sophisticated features and advanced capabilities in order to show their web development skills and turn their web solutions into business solutions.

Every web development company in USA is using multiple website marketing techniques in order to build everlasting relationships with clients and grow business. Web development companies build their website design in an innovative and creative manner which enhances the overall visibility of the website.

Every company adopt different strategies to market their websites but mentioned below are some of the common marketing approaches which every website development company use in order to gain maximum customers and large revenues.


  1. Develop a Marketing Plan

Developing a marketing plan is about setting targets and deadlines and making comparisons at the end. For example setting targets for monthly income and revenues and comparing those earned revenues with expected revenues. In accordance with their marketing plan, web development companies compare the revenue sheet of new clients with existing clients and work on ways to minimize the gap between those two.

A competitors marketing plan also plays a vital role in setting the direction of digital products that are to be marketed through various virtual platforms. The website should be developed in a way that it can be easily opened on mobile apps and other gadgets.

  1. Use Unique Marketing Approach

Every web development company knows the importance of marketing, selling, advertising and promotion. Because marketing tactics are the strategies that endorse business and create competitive environment. CMS platforms including Joomla and WordPress are providing web development companies with high quality marketing opportunities.

Companies align their web development services with their products and work on search engine optimization to target their intended market.

  1. Build Frequent Relationships

Web development companies know the importance of marketing consultants, advertising agencies and graphic designers. They are backbone of any web development company because they strategize and design the website and applications in a striking way that it attracts customers to at least click on the URL.

Web development companies offer their specialized web services to their clients and build a partnering relationship with their client to turn their clientele into loyal leads.

  1. Attracting Business Newbie

Web development companies should keep a keen eye on new entrants in web development market. New business entrants can be attracted by, offering a low-cost selection of templates design for the new content management system.

To retain their clients companies often offer free website upgrade services and free add-on services to their existing clients. Web development companies also work on multiple promotional ways and hence increase the range of their services.

  1. Promote Services on Internet

Top web development companies are using the Internet to boost their virtual presence. Every online business wants to be known to every online platform. For this purpose development companies work with local clients and integrate keywords about client’s location usually in description or about us section.

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